Product Information
OSEPP Gyroscope Sensor Module
The OSEPP Gyroscope Sensor Module is a 3-Axis gyroscope sensor. It utilizes the InvenSense MPU3050 Motion Processor Unit providing a full-scale range from +/- 250°/s up to +/-2000°/s of angular rate measurement while providing the highest robustness supporting 10 000 g of shock.
- Form Factor: 23 mm x 36 mm
- Power Consumption: 30.5 mW (Active); 0.025 mW (Sleep)
- Connector Pin Definition: Pin 1: Power, Pin 2: I²C Data, Pin 3: Ground, Pin 4: I²C Clock
- 16-bit ADC for digitizing sensor output, sample rate programmable from 8000 samples/sec down to 3.9 samples per second
- Supports I²C interfacing with 2 programmable 7-bit address of 0×68 or 0×69
- Provides pass-through connector to support daisy chaining of multiple sensors from the OSEPP Sensor Module family